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The Perfect Time For Wedding Gifts?

25 Aug 2021

There have been many things people have missed in the long months of lockdown. It could be pubs and clubs, nights at the theatre, football matches, parties, foreign holidays or even the lively banter of a crowded office.

However, for some the situation has thrown a huge spanner in the works, as wedding plans made pre-Covid have had to go out of the window. Some have opted for pared-back weddings with limited numbers in attendance and live web screenings for the rest, but others have been patient, making up their minds that nothing but the full-scale thing will do.

Now restrictions have been lifted, that means many a cancelled wedding has now taken place or soon will. One couple in Stourport, Worcestershire, recently tied the knot after four cancellations, while a couple in Wales told the BBC the lifting of restrictions there would enable them to finally enjoy the big day after no less than five postponements and one legal ceremony in a registrar’s office.

After such patience and frustration, wedding days will bring extra joy for some, so why not help them celebrate a bit more with matching mugs for couples?

These may have all kinds of personalised touches and fun elements, but the most important thing is that they can add to the sense of joy and relief with an affirmation of the newlyweds as a couple not just deeply in love with each other, but also determined and patient to make sure they have the wedding they want.

Indeed, some may even suggest such attributes may be crucial in ensuring a long and successful married life together.

That will be a wonderful thing if it happens for many reasons, not least the fact that you could provide some future personalised ‘his and hers’ mugs for an anniversary some years down the line.