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Personalise Your Wedding On A Budget

24 Oct 2021

The thought of spending tens of thousands of pounds on one day is enough to make anyone nervous, so it’s no surprise many brides and grooms look for ways to save money when planning their wedding.

Here are some tips on creating a really personal day without breaking the bank.

  1. Celebrate at home

According to Bridebook, the average cost of a wedding in 2021 is £24,000, with as much as £5,000 typically being spent on the venue alone.

However, you can cut this cost dramatically if instead of hiring somewhere for your reception, you hold it in your house or garden. If your home is not big enough, maybe a friend or parent could lend you their space for the special occasion, especially as marquees can be set up in most locations and decorated to look just the way you want.

  1. Be creative with decorations

Planning a wedding can certainly bring out your creative side, so why not make your own wedding décor to bring the venue to life?

Instead of hiring table centre pieces, lanterns, candles, topiary trees, bunting, fireplace swags and the rest, you could get your talented friends and family to help you make some of these yourself.

You might feel a bit cheeky asking your aunty to sew 20 metres of bunting or your sister to arrange candles in the centre of each table the day before the wedding, but doing so could save you £650 on the overall cost of the day.

  1.  Make your own stationery

Lots of couples don’t appreciate how expensive wedding stationery can be, with brides and grooms spending £500 on average for their invites, place names, table plan, orders of service, and menus.

By making your own, you can save lots of money and they will still look great. Whether you’re a dab-hand at creating elegant invites on your computer or you buy personalised wedding stickers and labels to put on your stationery, there are many ways to reduce costs in this area.

For more ideas on personalised gifts online, take a look here.